EUROCHAM & Major Industry that European Interested in Malaysia

EUROCHAM is an association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry. It establish from year 1993, they target to boost the investment and trade in between in Malaysia and Europe. For example, one of the Europe company or business may want to find the supplier in Malaysia, they may join EUROCHAM membership. They will provide the professional advice and match the suitable supplier to the company. EUROCHAM not only provide the connection between Malaysia supplier but also qualified investor, customers, manufacturer, business associations, local and foreign bilateral chambers as well as government agencies. In 2020, there are 1600 + companies in EUROCHAM Malaysia network and 35+ key market in EBO (European Business Organizations) networks.
The Role of EUROCHAM
Business Opinion

EUROCHAM will be make sure the voice of company will be heard and try to resolve the problem. For example, the unfair treatment that faced by the company, they may voice out to EUROCHAM.
Business Matching

EUROCHAM matching the qualified investor, customers, manufacturer, business associations for the company who are interested expand the business in Malaysia.
Widening Network

They provide wide nation network and European chamber worldwide. For instance, they can get the information easily as they relate to each other’s.
Brand Awareness

For example, EUROCHAM provide a platform for promote brand such as posted at EUROCHAM social media or website in the business directory publication with the company logo and contact information.
Stakeholder Relation

Connecting the network between the government Malaysia or private sector in Malaysia. For example, following the trade regulation of Malaysia, taxation issue and others.
The Attractive Industry in Malaysia.
There are 890 entities and more than 88+ business matching successfully by EUROCHAM between Europe and Malaysia. According to research, European may interested the industry in Malaysia is agriculture, manufactured, mining or other industries.
- Palm oil
- Natural rubber
- Other vegetable oil
- Seafood, fresh, chilled or frozen

- Electrical & electronic products
- Optical & Scientific Equipment
- Chemicals & chemical products
- Manufactures of Plastics

- Tin
- Crude Minerals
- Metalliferous ores

In the agriculture sector, most of the investor will invest in palm oil or palm oil product which. As total palm oil exported in 2019 is RM 5346.20 million. The manufacturer industry was the major industry to export product such as electrical & electronic products in 2019, which is RM46794.7 million had been earn. For the mining industry, investors are interested in production tin which has RM 290.5 million had been exported.

The Main Export Growth Trend in 2019 – 2020.

Total Percentage of Malaysia Export to European Countries in 2019

The Total Amount of Malaysia had been exported to the Europe in 2019